Crocheted Sweaters for Dolls

Don't be afraid to try this sweater if you haven't crocheted in years!

This is a beginners pattern. The stitches used are so simple. (you can always get out a crochet leaflet where they tell you how to do the stitches if you have forgotten how).

I use a size F-5 crochet hook for this sweater. Since everyone crochets differently, plan on making one following the pattern, then you can decide whether you need to add or subtract some stitches. It doesn't take anytime at all. I make the sweaters in small, medium, and large just by increasing or decreasing the starting out chain number.

Also I use Lion Brand Jiffy "Mohair" look yarn (Cloth World sells it here). I buy one ball of 3 oz., 85 grams, and 135 yds. Some are smaller and you have to use two balls. (What I do for the smaller balls of yarn is buy three and make two sweaters from that one color.) The first time though I would buy two balls of the 3 oz. just to be sure. Use any brand you wish, but the different brands will give you different sizes.
If you have lots of dolls and Teddy Bears though, any size you make you will be able to use. Please email me if you have any questions! I plan on making up some more sweater and jacket patterns,, so let me know how you like this one.

Crocheted Sweaters for Dolls!
by Pam D'Alessandro

sl st=slip stitch
sc=single crochet
hdc=half double crochet

Back (make one)
Row1: chain 25,hdc in 3rd st from hook, hdc across ch2 , turn.

Row2-6: hdc across, ch2 , turn.

Row7: hdc across, turn.

Row8: sl st in 4 sts, ch2, hdc in 17 stc (The hdc in 17 may not be correct, so just hdc until you have 4 st left), ch2, turn. (This is the starting of your armholes on either side of the back.)

Row9-14: hdc across,ch2,turn.

Row15: hdc across, turn.

Row 16: sl st in 3 sts, sc, hdc in 9 (or to match the other side of 3 sts), sc in 10, ss in 11, 12, 13th - fasten off.

Front: (make two, do the reverse on the second one)

Row1: ch15, hdc in 3rd st from hook, hdc across, ch2, turn.

Row2-6: hdc across, ch2, turn.

Row7: hdc across, turn.

Row8: sl st in4,ch2, hdc in 8, decrease and ch2, turn.(The hdc in 8, may not be correct, so hdc until you have two stitches left to decrease in).

Row9: decrease, hdc across, ch2, turn.

Row10: hdc across, decrease in last 2 st and ch2, turn.

Row11: decrease, hdc across, ch2, turn.

Row12: same as 10.

Row13: same as 11.

Row14: same as 10.

Row15: same as 11.

Row16: same as 10. fasten off. (The sweater front gradually gets smaller and smaller. You end up with just a short row at the top.

For the second front, just reverse the first one. Instead of sl st 4 first in row 8 you will decrease first, then hdc across, slst in 4, ch 2 and turn. in row 9 you will hdc across and then decrease last.

Sleeves (make 2)

Row1: ch 18, hdc in 3rd ch from hook, hdc across, ch2, turn.

Row2-5: hdc across, ch2, turn.

Row6: Increase hdc in first and last st.

Row7-8: hdc, ch2, turn.

Rows9-15: decrease, hdc across, last 2 st decrease,ch2,turn, fasten off. (gradually gets smaller)


Finishing: I use a child's large needle. Sew pieces together with yarn to match. Front sides with back and then shoulder seams. Make sure you match the stitching rows, that is why I do the sides first and then the shoulder seams. Then sew up arm sides. Sew arms into sweater. ( or you can sew the sleeve into the sweater and then sew up the arm sides. I find it easier to match the rows if I sew up the arms first.)

Single crochet around entire sweater,fasten off. This can be with matching yarn or contrasting. Then do each sleeve. Sometimes I put two rows of single crochet "ribbing" on the sleeves and turn it up a tad.

Embellishments: I have taken the pearl cotton and made Irish Roses to place on the sweater with a tiny button. You can also take the pearl cotton and make a "lacy type" edging around the sweater. I use the pearl buttons and embellish the buttons with french knot flowers and leaves as Martha Pullen did for years on her fancy smocked dresses. Just make one and embellish as you want. You will probably want to change the pattern around to suit yourself. That is fine since this is a very easy pattern that makes up in no time.

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